Sunday, August 26, 2012


                 记得那年那个夏天:妮子游走北海道(1) 从这里出发~
第3 天 17/7/10  层云峡 → 神秘地点?
SOUNKYO → surprise? Kenro San said :"I’m going to bring you somewhere not stated in iternary… surprise!”

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7:00am Sounkyo Choyotei Hotel buffet style breakfast. 早餐我们回到酒店同一间餐厅,在北海道的第三餐还是自助餐……
Soba冷面、紫菜豆腐、淹芦笋、稀饭、沙拉…… 满桌都是~味蕾都乱啦~!
惊喜1来了~ 服务生捧着korokke コロッケ,一桌一桌来问,美食当前谁能抗拒~!恨不得多拿一碟,但看样子只能一人一粒。是物以稀为更美味?怎么不任人拿…… 这好像不算什么惊喜吧~ 不过来日本两次吃怎么多Buffet 都没有看到korokke的踪影。还是不要抱怨啦~应该慢慢品尝才是!
~惊喜2~8:15am Kenro桑:“我看大家手脚都蛮快的,抢得快,吃得也快。趁时间还早我带大家去一个地方,不在行程表里面的哦~” 听到这个大家兴奋起来。“北海道冬天最冷会到40度以下,我们这些一辈子活在赤道的人根本不明白零下40度的感受。所以我要带大家体验minus 40⁰C……嘿嘿” Kenro桑你不会是要带我们去人家的冷冻库把我们关起来吧。我们今天不是穿得很厚的衣服呐,又没带jacket……macam mana lah……
说着说着车子到达了Kenro的秘密基地……ICE PAVILLON~!

工作人员热情的欢迎我们,还送给我们幸运物,小小木制彩绘的雪人。之后快速迎导我们到挂满Jacket的地方。Different color different size,连手套都提供~ 真周到。还以为Kenro要整我们~

全附武装~ 来到如飞行船的闸门。大家很期待冰天冻地的时刻~

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什么什么…… Aaah 毛巾~硬了!!

Humongous icicles covered the whole ceiling and walls… and we were walking on ice as well.

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Well Mr.Kenro indeed brought us into the huge freezer filled with snow huts, which looks like igloo; and the snowmen looks more like frozen icemen… 雪人也冻僵了~!
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Walking down the icy lane, eventually everyone attracted to this ice hut.  Once we enter there is a “-41’C” sign with a red button right below.  
This is it… let’s experience the lowest temperature ever recorded in Japan history.
The “Fear Factor” kind of feeling.  Ready… Finger on the red button… VVVVVRRRRRRRR~!
Loud generated howling sound and wind dashed out from the holes which directly hit right at my face and top of my head.  No chance to hit “the red button” and run, push it and you’ll sure get it… a really mind-blowing cold experience~!

Look at this picture~! They are the youngest challengers naked confrontation in –41’C room.  Crazy~!  Even my camera can’t withstand the cold anymore.  In our group, no camera working anymore..
After coming out from that extreme freezer, returned all the gadget into separate basket at the exit doorway, we were all served with free hot tea, “ocha”.  BBrrrrr…. my fingers and my nose now sense the extreme freezing… never knew holding a hot tea cup can be so comforting.
It is going to take a while for my camera to be defrost as well.  Dear camera I know how you feel… but please wake up… I need to get more shots before leaving this place~!
Luckily my father’s camera regain “consciousness”.   Dad! take picture for me~!
Just like most tourist spots, souvenirs, souvenirs and souvenirs. 
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Let’s go under the sun~! My camera finally regain consciousness with natural blurrrry filter.  一位管理员比手画脚的问我好玩吗?我装苦脸的给他看我的朦朦胧胧相机镜片,before我察觉他竟用他的手巾抹……AAAaaa~! 我要疯掉了~!想收回也来不及,还心疼得跟他鞠躬道谢。还好没留下刮狠……不过还是不能这样擦呀!算了,继续拍照~!
There is a little shrine near the building, what special about this shrine is that it is a metal structure.  “厄!不要乱拍人家的神社……”妈在背后赫了这句,结果我没好好拍到它的全貌。
Strolling slightly away from the Ice Pavilion building, we were attracted to fields of flowers.  Accidentally we found a “bear farm” sign too, but it was not in our itinerary.  Mr.Kenro-san said not worth going in there as he claimed nothing much to see.  Anyway he is trying to get us keep going to the next destination…. quick snap more photos~!
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LAVENDAR~~~~! 差点忘了来北海道的目的……朝圣薰衣草呀~!第一次亲眼看到薰衣草蹦跳过去都来不及。Kenro桑叫我们别急啦,过后有一大片的薰衣草可以让你拍到“肖”~!

Click to continue文接:记得那年那个夏天:游走北海道(5)美瑛の薰衣草前奏曲

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