Tuesday, September 25, 2012

我到天边走一回(1)Going Tibet

  14/9/2012 Kuala Lumpur → Beijing_MG_0005
为了这次的准备我们不断询问和上网了解高山症和西藏的情况。AuntyLee 还因为这次学会上网。还重复问一样的问题,烦到旅行社的朋友说:“你干脆别去了……不然你跟你亲戚朋友讲你去上海,别公开说你去西藏。”我们也被交待带一点吃的和饮食用品因为下西藏要坐24小时的火车,没零嘴会有点无聊,飞机餐食物也没那么理想。好笑的AuntyLee误会以为全程没有刀叉汤匙,complain说:“怎么这次那么可怜……”又去问旅行社。为了能耐饱到凌晨,妈买了特大肉粽也买了一份给Lee夫妇。更好笑的AuntyLee跟旅行社的人说:“我们还要带肉粽搭第8天的火车哟~!?……”Before going to Tibet we’ve heard stories of the difficulties of staying strong on the great high plateau.  Preventative measures for the high altitude sickness was pretty confusing especially after reading many articles and hear-say from people.  There were instructions from the Tour Agent as well, and so we decided to follow what the tour agent had advised only. 

Tips on how to avoid the high altitude IMG_0042sickness (provided by Tour IMG_0041Agent - AppleHoliday) 

1. Drink enough water (mineral water is better, for you can’t get 100% boiled water because of the lack of oxygen)

2. Wear enough warm clothes in order not to catch a cold (vast temperature difference between the day and the night wherever in Tibet ). 

3. Better
to take a shower on the first night, although you are not used to it. Cold shower is no good!  

4. Walk
slowly and talk less! You would certainly get so excited arriving at the Lhasa airport, but try to keep quiet. Walking fast and talking aloud take more oxygen!

5. Keep taking either Ginseng tea or Ginseng pills a week before your arrival in Tibet.

6. Make sure to have a medical check, if you used to suffer from the heart, breathing or high blood pressure problems. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!

7. Don’t get too dependent on oxygen tank or mask, it is quite normal when you don’t feel well or find it difficult falling asleep for first 2 days.
Try to be optimistic!

_MG_0006The final point is very appealing to what we had thought, we believed that we would have to be mentally strong and to try not to remind ourselves that we were on high ground.

23:10 stated the time to board the plane but after waiting… waiting… waiting…. waiting….
23:54 finally there was the call for our boarding
~! 等~!还要等……头等舱…… 后坐乘客…… 咦?怎么后坐乘客这么多,全都挤上去。我们这时也感染“gia输”精神,假假溜进了不成形的队伍进入机舱。


It was China Air… really Kedekut Air...  See how crampy it is, the length between the space in front is really exactly our knee length.  If you had a window seat, you would had to climb over 2 people’s laps in order to come out to the isle.  Oh no… had to bear with this for 6 hours… and there was no entertainment~!  Oh well.. it was sleeping time anyway.  Lights off~ take off~ 我真睡着了……

One hour later…

Suddenly, the whole cabin lit up… harr? what? supper time? aiyo… I had just only fallen sleep.  食物只有两种选择,面条或米饭。我要了面条,一开盖……原来是米粉,有一点像mee siam。咦?Brother 的米粉跟我的配料不一样的?妈拿的则是淡淡的炒饭。

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_MG_0009 无缘无故被叫醒吃东西,现在几点啦~!吃饱了都睡不着了,the only entertainment was a sharing screen at the aisle, only screening unknown Chinese movies。只好发呆到再睡着为止……

15/9/2012 Beijing

5:30am Watching the sunrise above the clouds, was the sign that the plane was going to land soon. But… but… but… now I’m hungry… This is really ridiculous, I was forced to wake up to eat supper there was no breakfast.  They should have planned it the other way round… just let people sleep through the night then only distribute food at 4am.  Oh well… ready for landing _MG_0011

6:30am Touch down~!   

UncleLee:"Eh… Look at the back of our declaration form.” I turn the paper and almost laughed fainted at the airport. WHAT?! Other than PEOPLE from China we are all ALIENS~~!!!

Awwe… my stomach was growling…

I was strolling around the main hall in Beijing Airport, hunting for food as well.  Mcdonald is right at the other end of the building, so we decided to just go for something closer to us…

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_MG_0025It was still early while waited for others to finish their breakfast, so we took a stroll to the other end.  Pork burger~!!!  It is impossible to have this in our Muslim country.  I should have eaten this instead of noodles… haha

The structure of the Airport looked like a turtle shell.

Today it was suppose to be a relaxing day so that we could regain our energy and calm ourselves before heading straight to the great highland.  It could have been very taxing and the possibility of getting high altitude sickness would be high if we had immediately transit to Lhasa.  However a better flight route could have been taken by flying straight to Chengdu, because from Beijing, _MG_0027we still needed to transit at Chengdu then Lhasa.

8:30am <<Simply wasted time in Beijing>> This is what I can say for the day.  We took a bus ride to the Beijing Olympic icon… Bird Nest Stadium. 

There were people selling kites that were tied up inline together, which I always wanted to try.  But I didn’t bother to buy anything here.

_MG_0030As most of us knew that the important historical building had been built according to a straight line, like a spine through Beijing city, which they call “central Axis” 中轴线。Ever since the Bird Nest and Water Cube were built, this axis stretches as far as 15.8KM.  From the Olympic stadium we could see the old Bell tower on the axis from a distance.

The entrance to the Olympic Park, the “Bird Nest” and “Water Cube” was just next to each other.  The weather was good but the sun was piercing hot…  Honestly we still felt the suffering muscle tired pain from the plane, couldn’t really enjoy what we saw… plus the hot sun… 晒晒晒~!

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_MG_0064 看到他就知道新疆来的。哈密瓜,好想吃但在路中间卖怕泻肚子。

After the short visit we were brought to a shopping area “Sanlitun Yashow” 三里屯 雅秀。All the fake branded products were all concentrated inside this building, where else the branded products were sold just at the street next to it.  I had nooooo interest in this, so I was just spinning around the place, however it was surprising to see very high class cafes around.



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_MG_0075 最后我们被一间健康食品店吸引,位于中8楼的西龙传香饭团。饭团真的很特别但想到要吃午饭就忍着不吃了。

At the end we bought purple rice soy milk, it was quite tasty, but after 2nd thought, actually it tasted like drinking liquid porridge.  Where else the black bean soy drink was not as tasty as purple rice soy.

I think the sushi like rice ball was worth trying.

1:00pm Couldn’t wait for lunch.  This was terrible… in my heart kept shouting “I want to go to Tibet NOW~!” 踹脚……waste time, waste time, waste time……

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_MG_0089 哎哟~!怎么大家用来抢……后来上了一盘鸡肉,还没转到我们这边只剩骨。再来一盘北京烤鸭时,摆在我们面前就赶快拿了。妈突然发牢骚:“这么少,12个人不到半只鸭……”。Beijing roast duck or Peking roast duck is a must to eat when you are in Beijing.  This is not the best restaurant for Peking duck in Beijing but it was also succulent and delicious.  Mum got really angry looking at the small plate of roast duck shared by 11 of us, and so she decided to confront the tour guide.  “I never knew your mum could be so fierce.” said AuntyLee.  “也好,这样我们接下来的日子他们不敢怠慢……”。现在每个人才开始地嘀咕咕的承认烤鸡烤鸭的分量有一点少。Before that everyone was so paiseh, just eating diam diam saja, after mum raised up the issue,  everyone started to agree and best of all, we got an extra plate of roast duck. _MG_0091Yay~!

As we were stepping out of the restaurant, the aroma of charcoal fried caramel chestnuts was so attractive.  The size of each chestnut was so satisfying, we bought 500g of it and we just couldn’t stop eating.  haha… still hungry aye… 糖炒栗子一定要热着吃,一斤RMB20。










2:00pm It was almost time to call off the day, because this was not our main destination.  It was just a day for us to rest, rest and rest.  Just a short distance, but the traffic was terrible.  导游都说这是世界第一大“堵”城。1公里就用掉半小时……哎哟~!

所以北京政府就因为这样提倡公共交通设施使用。Bus几十公里只需RMB40cents。Train one day ticket只需RMB2块。2012-09-16 05.53.40那北京人please不要买车啦~!说到这儿,我们前方就一辆Porsche名车也来凑热闹,fooyooo….

3:30pm 每个人都呼呼大睡时,finally we reached the hotel。It was quite an unproductive day but indeed everyone was very very tired… thanks to the crampy plane ride.

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_MG_0112_MG_0113_MG_01145:40pm 休息一下 Just a short dinner outing.  导游给我们说北京到一半电话进来:“菜给全部加大……” AuntyLee 笑说我们这群人大吃,吓到人家了。哈哈~!”

后来上水果时只有薄薄的西瓜。“哇~!北京西瓜很贵hor” 而且越吃越迷你,小到可怜。_MG_0117_MG_0118AuntyLee拿到最小的,结果轮到她complain。又赚到多一碟西瓜,哈哈……

吃完晚饭领队来交待和提醒明天上西藏需注意的。最重要的是Everything was done in slow motion and we must talk less。AuntyLee :“这样不可以complain了咯~!”。Want to laugh want to talk want to complain, everything had to be done by the end of the night。_MG_0122 

Please take note, lithium battery must be hand carried through the Tibet flight, so mobile phones, laptop batteries all could not check in luggage.

7:30pm end of day 1&2。


click to continue文接:我到天边走一回(2)On the way to Tibet

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