Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My Birthday Nightmare~!

First of all I thanx to my dear student KherNing who had belanja me Pizza Hut~~~! Actually she's just clearing her debt that she’d owed me.  Grade 6 dapat merit with intensive training of 3 months.. patut la~!

That’s my Birthday afternoon meal…

10230_1225282067957_1106187540_30723952_4075978_nWhen night comes… my dear student Jordan wanted a last minute birthday bash~!
I picked up the phone just call up who ever nearby.  Only 2 more people turned up.. BUT it’s as noisy as 20 people.  Everyone just drank F&N gasLESS orange juice but all gone drunk after a cup.  We go YUMSENG~~~ but our Malay friend Danish thought we shouting Sumseng??!!!

We only got some sausages, cucumber, mangoes and the F&N 10230_1225282107958_1106187540_30723953_5177792_ngasless juice was left in the store room since new year.  Don’t know why everyone started to dip the mango into the juice. Yummy??
Another BIG Thanks to Jordan who’d bugged his mother to buy a nice big chocolate cake for me..
Oh and.. thanks for singing me the zoo birthday version.. I’m not born in the zoo okay… –_-

Later of the night we’d agreed to have Disco.. but without music 3 boys were dancing … like drunk monkeys…

Jordan finally wanted to entertain me with Michael Jackson’s Thriller.. with two background belly dancer.  Laugh until I kneeled down on the floor.  Watch the video~ must watch~!

Last thanks to Danish who’d Donated his Hari Raya fireworks.  Yay~ It’s ages ago since I last play on the fireworks…

Well it’s not a nightmare actually …but a headless comedy live action show.. What a birthday… phew~!


  1. Belated congratulations teach! Didnt know you had a birthday but now I wish I was there to celebrate with you! One year wiser and more dignified now!

  2. siapa ini?.. Ian kah...
    you owe me a meal then.. hehe

  3. erm....
    dat's nt Ian...
    but i noe...
    i owe u a meal...
    u hv 2 blanja me...
